UK Export Checklist

Preparing your shipments for the wider world can seem like a complicated process, especially given the dynamic scene of international customs. With regulations and requirements changing as you cross borders, ensuring you have everything you need in place will make the process a lot smoother.

At Allegro Freight Forwarding, we’re experts in international export. Here, you’ll find a handy checklist of terms and requirements so you can start shipping on a global scale.

Need import instead? Go to our import checklist >

Exporting from the UK to the EU

One important area to note before we begin the checklist is shipping to the EU. Since Brexit, regulations have somewhat changed, and now there are additional steps to take before you can export to the EU from the UK.

The main consideration is getting an EORI number, which we go into detail on in our checklist. Other aspects that may have changed include:

  • Customs tariffs
  • VAT
  • Safety and security requirements
  • Documentation
  • Vehicle standards
  • Regulations around controlled products

As these can impact your supply chain and your overheads, it is important to consider these factors and account for them in your costings and delivery times.

At Allegro Freight Forwarding, we do everything we can to make your UK exports as seamless as possible. Ahead, you’ll find our checklist, helping you ensure everything is in place for your exports from the UK.

Export Checklist

End-to-End Logistics Management

Getting your goods to your customers can be difficult to manage when exporting shipments. An all-in-one solution can be effective at reducing your stress and shipping costs, combining both freight and logistics into a single package. At Allegro Freight Forwarding, our end-to-end solution works in tandem with our sister Logistics company, supporting your business with world-class supply chain management.

Learn more >

Understanding Incoterms

Incoterms are short abbreviations and initialisms that offer insight into the details of a shipment. They make it easier to record data about a shipment, and allow for smoother navigation of global language barriers and customs. Incoterms describe a number of aspects of your shipments, including:

  • Costs
  • VAT
  • Container Type

Understanding the incoterms your products are or should be using will provide clarity to the export process and ensure you understand the details of any export you make in full.

Check out our full glossary of common incoterms >

Origin of Goods

The origin of your export, meaning where it was originally manufactured, can impact your shipping journey. This may change the duty or documentation you need to export your goods. For freight forwarders, this can help us find the best route to export your goods, taking into account the freight channels available from the site of origin.

Learn more >

Export Purpose

A Customs Procedure Code (CPC) shows why the goods are being exported for both the UK and abroad. This could be for a number of reasons, including:

  • Entering free circulation
  • Direct sales
  • Being shipped on to another country or port

A CPC code is a requirement to accurately assign inspection and taxation procedures, and can make exporting your goods a smoother process by providing as much upfront information about your export’s destination as possible.

Customs Declarations

Export declarations show what’s included in a shipment, where it’s going, the taxes involved, and much more. The UK requires you to have an export declaration before you can export your wares. This can be a time-consuming document to fill out, but a freight forwarder is the perfect partner to streamline your customs declaration – simply get in touch!

Letter of Appointment

To ensure your goods can clear customs, you will need a signed letter of appointment. While a customs broker can help you with this process, at Allegro we make it even easier – taking out the hassle of managing this stage yourself by including it in a comprehensive export package.

Import Export Certificate

An Import Export Certificate (IEC) is a document issued by the UK government’s Department for Business and Trade (DBT), authorising individuals or businesses to engage in importing and exporting. This is required before you can export your goods from the UK.

Learn more about IECs here >

Commodity Codes

Commodity Codes categorise your goods by their type, making it easy to tell what their shipping requirements are and what their duty or VAT rates may be, alongside any licensing requirements. The HMRC offers a helpful tool to find your Commodity Codes, but they can also be handled by your freight forwarder.

Learn about duty relief schemes >

Additional Documentation

You may require further documentation for your goods if they’re subject to licensing, such as alcohol, food, plants, hazardous materials, electricals, military goods, and much more. With an extensive list of goods requiring additional documentation, a freight forwarder plays a vital role in supply the expert knowledge and smooth execution of your additional documentation requirements.

Commercial Invoice Status

A commercial invoice declares the value of your shipment to customs. This enables them to evaluate VAT and duty, ensuring everything is paid appropriately. Without an accurate commercial invoice, you run the risk of fines and penalties, so ensuring everything is up to date and aligned with your shipment’s worth is another important role your freight forwarder can play.

EORI Number

Any goods being exported from the UK require an Economic Operator’s Registration Identification (EORI) number, beginning with GB. There are also specific rules regarding export from Northern Ireland. You can find further information on the HMRC website, along with details about who needs an EORI number and how to apply.

Shipping Insurance

Unlike most other things on this list, shipping insurance cannot be handled by your freight forwarder. Instead, you are responsible for obtaining adequate shipping insurance for your goods. If you’re shipping large amounts of high-value goods, you may want to consider getting shipping insurance, so your assets are protected against damage, delay, or theft – especially when they’re being exported into the wider world.

Check out our beginner’s guide to cargo insurance >

Export from the UK with Allegro Freight Forwarding

Many of the items on our checklist can be handled by a freight forwarder like Allegro. Our expertise will ensure every requirement for your shipments is met, that the process is handled smoothly, and that your shipments reach their destination in the way that best suits your needs for time and budget.

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you with UK exports to the EU and beyond, get in touch with our friendly team today.

Find out more about what documents you need for internation shipping >

Learn the difference between LCL and FCL >

Air vs sea freight – which is better? Find out more >

Explore customs compliance and the role of a freight forwarder >